Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Royal Peacock Wedding Gold Plated Necklace Set

I was browsing through Kaneesha's grand jewelry section (gold plated) and I found this really exquisite peacock jewelry piece. Anyone can fall in love with the design. Click on the gold-plated subsection of jewelry from here.

Because it's the year end, you get a 20% discount in clothes and jewelry purchased at the Kaneesha store. Some of the items in there are really worth it. Take a look!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Peacock Wedding Design Jewelry - An Indian Set!

I just came across this peacock wedding set on eBay and couldn't miss out on including this item on my blog! It's an absolutely gorgeous piece assembled in India. Available here on eBay.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Peacock Ties - For The Demanding Groom!

A peacock themed wedding can be your dream come true -- but the same cannot be said for a guy. What if you are the stressed bride who is trying her level best to make her would-be sport something peacock theme-related? It's time to show him some of the many cool looking peacock ties which are available online. Not only are some of the designs subtle, they are eye-catching as well.

Check out the Squidoo page - Lovely Peacock Ties for Peacock Themed Wedding. You won't be disappointed!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Oriental Koi Fish Tattoos Design

Tattoos are very attractive if you see it and if you want to find another tattoo please continue to follow this blog.